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Spring Wind Symphony music can be downloaded here.
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Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2013 mp3 The Great Little Army- Alford Symphony No. 6- Persichetti Shadow Rituals- Markowski
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2012 mp3
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2011 mp3 The Voice of the Guns- Alford Divertimento for Winds and Percussion-Cichy Overture to Candide- Bernstein/
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2009 mp3 The Thin Red Line- Alford/Suite Divertimento-mvt. 1 on this track Suite Divertimento- mvt. 2- Gilbert Suite Divertimento- mvt. 3-Gilbert Shepherd's Hey- Grainger
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2008 mp3 Army of the Nile- Alford Molly on the Shore- Grainger/Rogers Strange Humors- Mackey
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2007 mp3 The Vanished Army- Alford Balkanya- Van der Roost Themes from "Green Bushes"- Grainger/Daehn
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2006 real media British Eighth March- Elliot Festal Scenes -Ito Spoon River -Grainger/Sheldon
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2004 real media Voice of the Guns- Alford Walls of Zion- Banner Chorale and Shaker Dance- Zdechlik
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2003 real media Lyrical March- Nelhybel In Memorium: Kristina- Yurko Havendance- Holsinger
Wind Symphony U.I.L. 2002 For the New Day Arisen- Danner They Led My Lord Away- Allen Sun Dance- Ticheli